Thursday, June 16, 2011

Waiting for Superman

I just finished watching the movie "Waiting for Superman".  In it my heart was touched because those students pictured in the movie realized the potential of their decisions.  To get a decent education, or to take "leftovers".  The leftovers were not schools who were even achieving passing marks on proficiency exams.  Those leftovers were almost a sign that the students would not achieve their educational dreams, nor get close to their employment dreams.  Parents emphasized the importance of getting into one of these high achieving schools and both parents and teachers were disappointed when it didn't happen in the "lottery".  While watching my daughter, with tears in her eyes for those students, I reminded her that resiliency is found in those who made it in via the lottery and those whom were overlooked.  They say you may take the dog out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of the dog.  Those kids had a sense of purpose...they had a sense of ownership of their own learning...and they had a sense of personal vision.  I pray those kids make it, and I know they have, within themselves, the desire to achieve their dreams, goals, and pursuits.  Teachers are part of the solution, but only "a part".  Those kids know what I mean.  We can build better schools.  We need leaders.   If a labourer is worthy of their hire, let's see solid, strong, and dedicated leadership in our schools.  If we are to overhaul the system, we must look at all areas...boards of education, administration, teachers, support personnel, and students.  We all own our educational system and if we are allowed to work together, we can build something worthy of accolades and praise.  Let's get to the work.  I find it funny that just this week, I finished the book by Daniel Pink entitled "Drive: the Suprising Truth about what Motivates Us."  In this book, he says that we have to take the issue of money off the table by paying employees enough that money is not a factor in their minds.  Too little money, and they feel abused or undervalued.  Too much money, and we're denying someone else a fair share.  People want Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose.  With this note, I'll close my first blog ever..."Education: a right, a necessity, a privilege...for all involved."--Larry Moses